A necklace, a recipe and accountability

I’m kicking off 2013 with a crush on a necklace, a recipe for 8 that I made for myself, and my food diary put on blast. I am also trying to find a way to merge all of these into one post. Let’s see how that goes.

Kate Spade Necklace

Isn’t think Kate Spade necklace to die for? I stumbled upon it at Nordys while shopping for other people. Always. So, I have decided that if I meet my goal weight (keep reading to get to that part) and it is still to be found, I will reward myself. BOOM! PS. It comes in three color options.

Swedish Meat Sauce

I bought ingredients last week to make my favorite meat sauce recipe b/c I thought the mister was coming to town this weekend. But he didn’t. But I made the meat sauce anyways. And it is a recipe for 8 people. And it was just me. Judge if you want.  PS. I don’t put the celery in it.

My fitness pal

Lastly, I downloaded this app about a year ago to track calories and exercise. I know many people who have had great success with food/exercise journaling, and I read great reviews about My Fitness Pal. I used it here and there, but I never stayed devoted. Welp, I’m digging in. A couple of friends and old co-workers have decided that we are going to make our food journals public and keep each other accountable. Seeing as boyfriend signed us up for one of those muddy obstacle run things, I’m thinking this isn’t such a bad idea. Feel free to follow along and heckle my fitness wall! My username is britsauer.

And that my friends/readers/bloggers is what is happening in my life right now. Oh yeah. I am also SUPER busy with real job. Womp Womp!


January 8, 2013. Tags: , , , . About me, Fashion, Recipe.

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